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Control the water quality in a cost-efficient way, without the need for water contact

Our technology provides accurate estimates of water quality, using images from outside the water, in real time, continuously and remotely. This results in a significant decrease in operation and maintenance costs compared to traditional methods
Aquacorp Imagen Destacada

Protect the environment by monitoring your hotspots in real time

24/7 operating system
System in continuous operation with minute frequency
Image monitoring
Non-intrusive estimation using outdoor imaging without contact with water
Payment only for data. Initial installation and calibration fee, and a variable monthly fee depending on needs
Minimal environmental impact
Autonomous system without contact with water, with the possibility of being powered by solar energy

Anticipate and detect any risk or alteration in the quality of your water

Decision-making support
Early warning to trigger customizable preventive and corrective actions
The versatility and simplicity of our system allows us to expand the control points easily
Frequency of measurement
Estimation frequency is adjustable on a minute-by-minute basis
Based on data
We use a combination of state-of-the-art technologies to ensure the highest accuracy estimation
Riesgo Alteracion Vertidos Agua
Aquacorp Herramienta Saneamiento
Less expenditure
Reduces initial investment by 90%
Minimal maintenance
Reduces maintenance and calibration costs by 50%.
Payment by data
You only pay for estimates during the period of service.
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Continuous water quality monitoring: driving a sustainable future

Generating a positive impact in the present to ensure a future in balance with the environment

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La monitorización del agua: impulsando un futuro sostenible

Generando un impacto positivo en el presente para garantizar un futuro en equilibrio con el medioambiente

Committed to the protection of the environment through innovation and empathy

Equipo Aquacorp Leon Comprometidos Medioambiente
Joining forces today to ensure water quality tomorrow
Proud to be the first Spanish startup to lead, execute and successfully pass a Pre-Commercial Public Procurement process
In May 2023 we have obtained the technological validation from the Dirección General del Agua, the main Spanish regulatory body. Our technology has been evaluated in a real environment, specifically in eight control points of the Confederación Hidrográfica del Duero, successfully passing the validation process.
AI and Water Management
The use of AI is essential to achieve sustainability in the water sector. Its application can range from optimizing procedures and wastewater treatments to predicting natural risks, such as floods or droughts, and monitoring water quality.
Wastewater: From Problem to Solution
Efficient wastewater management could provide energy to 500 million people. Wastewater treatment facilities have the potential to become energy generators instead of consumers, all the while creating clean water that is returned to the local ecosystem, supplying more than 10 times the water provided by the current global desalination capacity.
How do disasters impact water quality?
Disasters indeed result in the deterioration of potable water and sewage systems. Therefore, water must be regarded as a fundamental element in the activities planned by the emergency committee. It is crucial to conduct a thorough vulnerability analysis to estimate the potential degree of impact on these systems in the face of a specific disaster. This proactive approach helps in preparing and mitigating potential damage to water supply and sanitation infrastructure, allowing for more effective emergency response and recovery efforts.


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